A Fresh Start

Sometimes I find being faced with a clean slate, a new notebook, a brand new year, something new a bit of a stumbling block.

I know that I’m going to make mistakes, but the *thing* is so pristine and new and I don’t want to ruin it.

That’s how I’m feeling with the first post for this blog. I want to start just right.

But I must remind myself that this is not what I want the blog to be like. It’s not about putting only my best foot forward, or a picture of perfection. It’s about the real Tara. Real life. Finding joy in beauty in it all.

The biggest hope I have is knowing that Jesus’ blood can make all things pure again. Even messy ol’ me.

I hope you enjoy taking this journey with me. I do not have the best track record of blogging and keeping continual records. I’m more an irregular sprinter than a committed long distance runner. But I’m making small changes, and hoping they’ll stick.

My plan for the blog is to share all sorts of things – my life, my family, my God, a little bit of craft, a touch of Thermomix and a sprinkling of the lovely place where I live. All sweetened by some photos.

It’s so easy to have eyes for what is wrong with a picture. Take for example this photo I took tonight:




I could see the cords hanging out all over the place, the games of Twister and Uno Stacko not packed away properly, the WiiU remote out of it’s drawer, fingerprints on the iPad (how do the kids make it so dirty?!)  and all manner of things out of place and far from perfect.

But I choose to see my family enjoying some down-time together after a busy week. My brother joining us to watch the footy. Shelves full of blessings and opportunities for fun. A fantastic Friday night. I choose to see joy. And I am thankful.

This is not something I find easy to do. In the past few weeks I have really noticed that I have a tendency to always expect or want more than what has already been done. I am not grateful for the effort given by my children, but tell them how to improve. Yes, there is a place for training them, but not every single time.

I pray for an encouraging and gentle heart. I pray because I can’t do it on my own. I am thankful for people who model this for me.

Let’s find joy together!

Comments: 3

  1. Sunny says:

    Great job on your first post! I didn’t see any of those imperfect things in your photo (but I know what you mean)!

  2. Angie says:

    Tara, huge congrats on beginning your blog again! It is beautifully written ( your way with words always amazes me!) and I totally relate to every thought and feeling you expressed. Your sentiment about brand new things being pristine and hating to ruin them especially stuck a chord with me. Yep, that’s me to a tee!

    Looking forward to many more blog posts!

  3. DanaN says:

    Congratulations on returning the blogging world! When I look at your photo, I see family, home, and love.

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