Trying To Resume Normality
Worked at the pie factory today. Every five seconds I had to stop myself from making some sort of pregnancy comment. It is just so instantly life changing, and it is the only thing that I want to talk about… except I can’t. I think at this stage we are waiting until after our first ob appointment before we tell family, and probably three months before we start letting other people know. Moving outside the pregnancy topic for the first time ever. We went to an Australian Idol party last night. A huge congratulations to…
Weekend was good. My parents had a garage sale, and I helped out. I managed to get very sunburnt knees. I do not understand how one obscure part of the body can get burnt like that. The pain, I haven’t been sunburnt for years. Well, I guess it was a good reminder for me why getting sunburnt is bad.
Repost from 14 March, 2002 Absolutely could not get out of bed this morning. Well, I s'pose that can’t be true, coz here I am, and I’m not in bed. Nothing majorly exciting to report. Just another working day.