
I’m not so good at this whole coming up with a mind-blowing title thing yet. Hopefully this is something that gets better with practice.

Not much of a day to report. Thursdays always tend to be quite similar. Me running around like a lunatic trying to get ready for Girl’s Brigade. I really hope that some more leaders start up next year, as there is no way I will be able to keep up the same pace next year. As much as I love GBs, I think it would be insane to even try.

Had a pretty good time on the night. My juniors ended up covered in paint… sorry to all the mums who have to clean that out of the uniforms. I don’t know how so much paint got through the art shirts. Next time I think it will be layers of art shirts for the girls.

I do still feel so very badly for what the Pioneers have had to put up with this year in terms of activities. They really did deserve better. I want to give them so much better next year. I’m sorry girls.

Looks like this is an entry full of apologies.

Onto the preggo talk – I still don’t feel pregnant. Haven’t started the whole peeing cycle thing yet, and no noticeable changes up there either. I’m sure during the later stages of this pregnancy (Lord willing) I’ll regret ever wishing to feel MORE pregnant.

Tell me what you think!